Avoid Overthinking & Worrying
How do overcome the problem of Over thinking & Worrying? Over thinking & Over worrying is a very Good quality because all the people have great heart & great mind are over thinking & over worrying people. Our Sensitivities regarding nature, family, society, people, miseries, sorrows, apathies, resentments, humanity etc etc. ultimately lead to over thinking & over worrying. Similarly our Intuitions, premonitions, Morbidities, concern, responsibilities, helping attitudes, deserving attentions and dominance are all the causes of over thinking and over worrying. So it comes through race, genes, birth stars, childhood nourishments, family atmosphere, social surroundings and your experiences. How you will come over it :- Important thing is whether your over thinking is rational or irrational and disturbing your education and job and yourself in leading a normal life. · So change you life style....