Avoid Overthinking & Worrying

How do overcome the problem of Over thinking  &  Worrying?  

Over thinking & Over worrying is a very Good quality because all the people have great heart & great mind are over thinking & over worrying people.
Our Sensitivities regarding nature, family, society, people, miseries, sorrows, apathies, resentments, humanity etc etc. ultimately lead to over thinking & over worrying.
Similarly our Intuitions, premonitions, Morbidities, concern, responsibilities, helping attitudes, deserving attentions and dominance are all the causes of over thinking and over worrying.
So it comes through race, genes, birth stars, childhood nourishments, family atmosphere, social surroundings and your experiences.
How you will come over it :- Important thing is whether your over thinking is rational or irrational and disturbing your education and job and yourself in leading a normal life.
· So change you life style. Never try to be idle. Even when you have an idle time do something creative as per your likes and make it a leisure time of fun & entertainment where you can do aerobics, dance or some sort of soft games.
· If you have flair of writing immediately start writing what ever coming into your mind. do write thinking more to make your writings attractive. Just write first. even if it is your school or college books material just write.

· Try to find out all such reasons in priority where you get more over thinking and try to solve such problems patiently one by one.
· There are many activities like to do some homely work, to see certain good movies or videos, to take a short walk with close friends, to do some social service like planting of trees, which will help you coming out of this over thinking and over worrying.
· Always try to find out your Intuitive powers and premonitions & morbidities which directly give over thinking & over worrying. And do Meditations even for a short while where ever you are and if you believe in God then you may recite some short religious text to concentrate more. It will help you fast.
· Also when a person start loosing his/her Focus & concentration he /she worry & think more. so also find out are you loosing your focus. so try to regain it again.
· Many a times people life style of sleeping & waking up disturb the mind make a person tired & depressive and sentimental causing over thinking & over worrying. So if it is so modify your sleep & life style.
· Finally attachments, love, attractions, illusions, fantasies,
imaginations, make a person over thinking & over worrying. Try to minimize all such by practice and keeping yourself busy in lot of other creative activities & sports.
Email : adityaastroworld@gmail.com


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