Always recalling Past- How to Avoid

Day By Day Mind is recalling Past which one never deserve . What to do to come over it?

Anything deep into the core of heart & soul never diminished. One always lurk & linger what he already foregone whether extremely bad or extremely good. Though time mitigates the bad experiences but the good ones- the good one always haunt, click frequently in the mind, flash now and then, a person sometimes get happy sometimes get into extreme grief, sometimes put himself/herself into extreme mental turmoil and sometimes try to evade his/her present just to remain into the circle of such lurking s & lingering.
It’s definitely a big problem to come out of it but one has to be to remain active in present and to concentrate on other fruitful activities . Let’s try once :
· Whenever you are getting involved into past just start sounding countdowns from 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. 0..and done You are out of those memories.

· Start taking breath heavily and try to rise inner body air from solarplex to your brain counting 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..0.. done and you start preparing for your exam a fresh

· If you are habitual of cold drinks wine etc just avoid to take for a few days and instead start taking some hot drinks like Tea, Coffee or any other drink of your own choice. Specially try to prepare it personally just at the time when you are getting into your past and memories.

· Certain Sports help miraculously to make you come out of such past like badminton, Tennis, Volleyball etc which you could play now and then for a few hours if have some friends frequently available. 

· However certain games on Computers also help person to come out of this problem. specially games related to children/animal animations.

· Certain TV programs like Pogo, Animal Kingdom, Cartoon Programs helps a lot to come out of such memories forever, Just try this amazing formula.

· Certain self half hourly occupations like sketching human physics, nature keeps the mind busy to come out of this problem even if you do it just for half an hour.

· Sometimes a person remain in his/her memories all the time. It happens because you are allowing your mind, heart & soul to dip into such memories. Please note you are the driver of your own. Try to drive your mind into some activities where their is crowd of activities and emotions get no way to enter on that route. It’s on you.

· Even if you are getting no help of all such problems lets be friendly with children, socially downtrodden & weak people, or anyone to whom you can help in one way or other like on and often problem solving, teaching, guiding, care-taking, etc.

· Also Dancing for a few minutes, Aerobics give very high mental strength and diversion from past. Just try.

· Also study only for 7–8 hours, sleep for 8 hours and keep yourself busy in other sportive, family, social, political, college/school activities to balance your mind, heart, soul and body and you will win the race. 

· Also recite any religious text for a few minutes
if you like to do otherwise not required.

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